Category: site

Recorded games

Recorded games

After the success of ggtype, i wanted to make it a bit more special for my son. So I recorded all of the keypresses sounds with a microphone and he loved it. I guess it was a lot easier to connect with for him hearing my voice.

With that experience, I made a simple quiz for him to go with it. It may not be as colorful or animated as other kids games but hearing my voice coming from the speakers made his experience worthwhile

I have included the synth versions with our version incase anyone else is interested in the difference



Click here for me

Click here for a robot

Click here for code/download

I wrote a game for Hemi when I couldn’t find what I was looking for. Just something simple that made a lot of noise and was educational. You press a key, it is shown on screen and is read aloud by a robot voice.

At first he mashed the keyboard in excitement but with a bit of encouragement, he is pressing one at a time and checking the screen too.

It’s not perfect and never will be, my favorite kind of ongoing project. A digital zen garden.

It only works on a physical keyboard, no tablets, no phones.
No ads and a free software licence. I don’t think anyone should have to pay for something that helps kids learn. No function keys for the people with fancy keyboards and at this time it is for English keyboards only.



Well not really. The domain and hosting have been there for a while. The blog and git are kinda new. I have been thinking about this for a while and the Mad Science department has been busy but not a lot documented other than photo’s and the occasional social media post.

I intend to upload most of my code, mostly current stuff that is either in use or in progress.
There’s a bit of Raspberry Pi, some bash, a bit of python, PHP, javascript and other stuff.

For the next few weeks I’ll be dumping stuff that I’m working on and some from the archives here.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira