Donating to Wikipedia with Brave browser

Brave is a relatively new browser that is focused on privacy, security and speed. One thing it also does well is distributing advertising revenue with cryptocurrency.

When you opt into displaying advertisements, you get a cut of what the advertisers pay to display the ad. The revenue comes in the form of BAT cryptocurrency. The only catch is, while blocking ads in your web pages, they come as notifications on your phone to earn you money.

The trick is to silence the notifications in your android settings and harvest all that crypto goodness.

Once you have gathered some BAT over time, you can send it as a tip to verified sites. Wikipedia is onboard and sending them money that takes no effort to accumulate gives a little bit back to the internet.

It only takes a day or so to accumulate a BAT coin. I use the browser as my default and check in on my balance every month or so. After setting it up there is little to no upkeep to send wikipedia about few bucks a month.

The experience on Windows, for me, was garbage. The notifications are just annoying and can’t be silenced without breaking the process but if you find a way let me know!

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